Friday, September 11, 2009


Hi guys the seo fever is the main important one for the marketing of your website.Once you get a good rank for your website in google then your website will be of more usefull one for your customers.

Acording to the google , It ranks the page by the quality and by backlinks.the main criteria that a good SEO should keep in mind is about the page content,keyword and the algorithm that they are following for the SEO.
Once we speak about the keyword then you must have a look over the google adwords .Through this site you can generate a number of keywords relevent to your website and try to include your in the first few lines of your site and try to include in header too.

The next important one is you have to publish your post in the search engines.I can guide you for the search engines. Just have a look over krish blog spot so that you can have more idea abt the seo.